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Journal of the Philosophy of Media


Journal publisher:
Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb)


Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb


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YEAR 4 (2015) No. 7


Creative Commons License
This journal is open access and this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


ISSN 1848-6304

UDK 316.774:1

Vol 4, No. 7, 2015.



Dragan Ćalović: Community Art as a Medium for Future
Umjetnost kao medijum za budućnost
Divna Vuksanović: Budućnost medija: mediji i smrt
The Future of Media: Media and Death
Sead Alić: Ivan Ladislav Galeta – istraživač medijskog prostora i medijskoga vremena
Ivan Ladislav Galeta – Researcher of Media Space and Media Time
Željko Rutović: ČOVJEK (META)MEDIJ? (brzina promjene (ne)upitni identitet)
Man (META) Media? (Rate of Change (not) Questionable Identity)
Saša Milić: Jacques Tati i moderna vremena
Jacques Tati and Modern Times
Angelina Milosavljević-Ault: “Film je mrtav! Živio film!”. Peter Greenaway o budućnosti medija
“The Cinema is Dead! Long Live the Cinema!” The Future of Media According to Peter Greenaway
Zlatan Delić i Mirza Mahmutović: Umrežavanje prošlosti: memorijske kulture novomedijske ekologije
Networking the Past: Memory Cultures of New Media Ecology
Aleksandra Brakus: Mediji i marketing
Media and Marketing
Aleksandra Bokan: Stvaran svijet oko mene – život unutar piksela?
The Real World around me – Life within the Pixel?
Sanja Dokić Mrša i Nataša Miljević Jovanović: Like Fun
Kvantitativno-kvalitativna analiza zabavnog programa u BiH
Like Fun
Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Entertainment Programs in BiH

II Simpozij / Symposium
23. – 26. 4. 2015. / April 23−26, 2015
Hrvatska/Croatia (Zagreb)

José María Cantal-Rivas: La présence médiatique chrétienne dans un pays musulman: expérience de l’Eglise catholique en Algérie
Abderrazak Sayadi: Les médias arabes face au Printemps arabe. Le cas de la Tunisie

III Simpozij / Symposium
Mediji i javnost/ Media & Public
15. – 17. 11. 2013. / November 15−17, 2013
Hrvatska/Croatia (Dubrovnik)

Tatjana Milivojević, Dragana Jovanović i Ivana Ercegovac: Noosfera: omogućava li internet evolucijski skok na viši nivo kolektivne inteligencije?
Noosphere: Does the Internet Provide an Evolutionary Leap to a Higher Level of Collective Intelligence?


Jana Simović: Život u kolonijalnom stilu