inmediasres2024br24 inmediasres2024br24


Journal of the Philosophy of Media


Journal publisher:
Center for Philosophy of Media and Mediological Researches (Zagreb)


Address: Petrovogorska 18, 10000 Zagreb


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YEAR 13 (2024) No. 24


Creative Commons License
This journal is open access and this work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.



ISSN 1848-6304

UDK 316.774:1

Vol 13, No. 24, 2024.



Fahira Fejzić – Čengić: Medijska refrakcija zvuka – teži put do mudrosti
Medias Refraction of Sound – the Strong Path to Wisdom
Divna Vuksanović i Dragan Ćalović: Digital Performances: a Problem-based Approach
Digitalna izvođenja: problemski pristup
Karlo Kanajet: Characteristics of Croatian News Portals Reporting on the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 in the Pre-crisis Period
Obilježja izvještavanja hrvatskih news portala o pandemiji COVID-19 u 2020. godini u pretkriznom razdoblju
Dario Terzić: Boja kao identitet
Color as an Identity
Branka Šegvić i Iva Polić: Analiza internetskog diskursa u objavama članova Vlade na Facebooku
Analysis of the Internet Discourse in the Facebook posts by the Members of the Croatian Government
Mustafa Sefo: Jezik, komunikacija i mediji
Language, Communication, Media
Dafne Vidanec: Refrakcije religioznoga: boje i oblici bizantske umjetnosti na primjeru Eufrazijane
Refractions of the Religion: Colors and Shapes of Byzantine Art Applied to Euphrasian Basilica
Jasna Kolovrat: Manipulativna moć reklama u oblikovanju pristanka na buduće socioekonomske trendove
The Manipulative Power of Advertisements in shaping Consent to future Socioeconomic Trends
Moneef R. Zou’bi: The Arab Islamic Civilisation as a Global Force for Good: A Reworked Science-Focused Historical Narrative
Arapsko-islamska civilizacija kao globalna ‘sila za dobro’: Preinačeni, na znanost usmjereni povijesni narativi
Enes Karić: Hermeneutika i egzegeza Kur’āna Filipa Ćorlukića
Hermeneutics and Exegesis of the Qur’an by Filip Ćorlukić